A Call to Generosity
We live in a culture where spirituality cannot be separated from generosity. The needs of our city and of the world are impossible to ignore. The teachings of Jesus implore us to give to those in need and to commit ourselves to an ethic of generosity. The scriptures say that God loves a cheerful giver, not because the church's needs are met, but because God's heart is made glad when we depend on him to provide for us.
HOw to give

Use this link to give online. This is the current preferred method of giving. Set up 'recurring giving' to give regularly hassle-free.

By Text
Text dollar amount to 84321
When you text dollar amount to 84321 you will receive a one time reply containing a link to give to Church of the Heights (1msg/request).
Please be aware that Msg & Data rates may apply.

By Mail
You can mail a check, made out to Christian Community Church of the Heights, to the following address:
Covenant Church of the Heights
P.O Box 570
New York, NY 10033

In Person
Drop your offering in the box at a gathering. (Use an offering envelope for cash or credit.)
Please make checks out to Christian Community Church of the Heights.