Visit us
11 AM
4360 Broadway, between 185th & 187th St.
New York, NY 10033
Nearby Transportation:
( A ) or ( 1 ) 181st St.
B7/M100 Bus on Broadway to 185th St.
*This activity is not sponsored or endorsed by the DOE or the City of New York.
We would love to have you visit us regardless of where you are in the journey of faith.
Here is what you can expect when you visit us.
Getting here
We are located at 185th and Fort Washington, meeting at The Hebrew Tabernacle of Washington Heights. There is a subway station (A train, 181st St Station, Ft Washington exit) and bus stop (M4) on the same block.
Parking is only available on nearby streets.
Children stay with their parents for the first part of the service, and then children are dismissed to go to Kids church at the end of the announcements portion. You are welcome to accompany your kids to the classroom to help them get settled, as there is a greeting time in those moments before the main teaching begins. Also, you will likely meet someone at the outset before the service who will introduce you to Kids church staff and help answer any questions you have. Just look for anyone with the hospitality team lanyard, if they don’t find you first!
Upon arrival you’ll see a welcome desk with water and sometimes additional refreshments. Please feel free to help yourself! Usually we have some folks chatting around the table. Refreshments are allowed during service.
Getting help
Hopefully the Greeting or Hospitality team will be quick to say hello. They are the best people to ask any questions you might have at the outset. Our pastors and leaders would love to meet you also and the greeters are happy to introduce you. One common question is “where are the restrooms” -- and those are down the hall to the right of the entrance just past the refreshment table.

Bilingual Service
We are a bilingual church, with both English and Spanish speakers worshipping together. This reflects our beautifully diverse community in “The Heights.” Our sermons are preached in English most often and then we provide listening devices for Spanish translation, or live translation from the front from time to time. Our songs are sung in a combination of English and Spanish, with lyrics for both on the screen all the time. Announcements, communion and other elements are done in both languages also.
worship style
We sing contemporary worship songs with a vibrant and joyful energy, some Latin rhythms, and more reflective slower songs as well.

Our pastors and preaching team make it their primary aim to not only be engaging and culturally relevant, but to preach faithfully from the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, centering their teaching on the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Gospel. They also strive to make the teachings practical and applicable. We believe that the Bible is powerful to speak to and change our hearts and transform our lives as well when we respond by the grace of God.

after service
Directly following the service, we often have a “lingering time” of prayer and continued quiet worship and reflection. Pastors and leaders are available at the front to pray for people as well. Every Sunday we love to have people stay for awhile in the hallway outside the auditorium to converse, and pastors also are available to talk and meet newcomers. Often there will be a group or two going to lunch in the neighborhood, and anyone can join! Right after the service is a great time to also turn in a “connect card” if you didn’t get it filled out and turned in during the service. And we often have sign-up sheets for those interested in dinner groups, small groups and other events that may be coming up. All this will be on a table in the hall.